Foreign Art, Foreign Land is an ongoing photographic project that critically examines the displacement of cultural artifacts from their countries of origin to foreign museums. By creating life-size cardboard replicas of these artifacts and positioning them in various urban settings around New York City, the project symbolically "liberates" these pieces from museum confines, prompting reflection on their true origins and sparking conversations about rightful ownership.

This work challenges traditional notions of custodianship and contributes to global discussions on repatriation and cultural heritage preservation. By juxtaposing replicas of artifacts—such as pre-Columbian sculptures from Mesoamerica and ancient Egyptian statues—with modern urban landscapes, the project highlights the tension between displacement and rightful ownership, urging viewers to reconsider the ethics of displaying such works outside their native contexts.

México, Mesoamérica | Culture: Aztec

Colombia or Ecuador | Culture: Tolita-Tumaco

Ecuador and México, Mesoamérica | Culture: Bahia and Olmec

Egypt; Possibly from Middle Egypt, Hermopolis (Ashmunein; Khemenu)

México, Mesoamérica | Culture:Maya

México, Mesoamérica, Jalisco | Culture: Ameca-Etzatlán

Egypt; Probably from Southern Upper Egypt, Gebelein (Krokodilopolis); Probably originally from Middle Egypt, Amarna (Akhetaten)

México, Mesoamérica, Veracruz

Culture: Remojadas

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